Phone Sales Phone Scripts For Insurance Agents
Opener With Receptionist:
Hello, I’m calling to speak with the person that handles the Workers
Compensation and Liability Insurance renewals that are coming up in the next
couple of months.
Decision Maker / Influencer Picks Up The Call:
Hi this is __________ with example Insurance Corporate Offices. I represent
many of Farmers Insurance top agents in California that specialize in your
line of business. I’m calling today in regards to your renewal dates that are
coming up in the next couple of months for your Workers Compensation and
Liability Insurance, Commercial Auto and Health Benefits. The reason I’m
calling in regards to your renewals is example has lowered rates for Workers
Compensation for your class codes by 35% based on your annual premiums
effective 1-1-09. Over the last few years Farmers has lowered rates by 60%,
as well as Farmers Underwriting is giving some great schedule discounts in
some cases for some qualified business up to 50%. Your business has been
determined to fit the criteria that example Insurance is looking for to help
lower your cost of insurance both hard and soft cost because of the class
codes you have, and the ex-mod history you have. We have been able to save 20%
-30% in some cases for business likes yours over many carriers that write
your class codes in California.
I’d like to schedule a 15-20 minute meeting with you and our Top Commercial
Insurance Specialist in your area to provide a presentation of our programs,
new rates and the discounts and credits we will give you based on your great
ex-mod and schedules.
I need to ask you a few questions to provide to our Agent. I need your # of
employees, verify your current carriers and renewal dates for everything.
Remember to verify address. Closing questions is if we can provide a better
solution are you willing to switch carriers and your broker?
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for your Commercial business insurance marketing