Adwords Fundamentals Groundwork For Google Advertising
The Ad formats which are used on Google advertising, the key area of bidding and budgeting for a campaign, along with measuring outcome and optimizing the results are also key areas which are discussed in the study material.
The Google AdWords Advertising Fundamentals is one of the four exams which can be taken in association with Googles AdWords platform. This exam focuses more on the basic aspects associated with the advertising framework associated with Google and thus tends to include all necessary underlying details. The exam is also denoted by the code AdWords Fundamentals Exams and has been utilized by online advertising specialists to demonstrate their understanding of the framework associated with Googles AdWords framework. This article focuses on some primary details associated with the certification and also talks about the preparation options in this regard.
Basic Details:
The AdWords Fundamentals Certification Exam is a 120 minute long exam which entices exam questions from the fundamental aspects associated with advertising via Google AdWords. You need to score at least 85% marks in order to pass the exam. Furthermore, if you fail the exam, you can re-take it within the next seven days. Lastly, you need to renew your certification every two years by giving the exam again in order to stay certified as a Google expert.
What is it About?
The Google Adword Advertising Fundamentals exam focuses on the groundwork which you need to establish if you want to advance in the online advertising industry as it provides an introduction to the AdWords platform followed by the key aspect of account management. Furthermore, the test material associated with the exam also talks about defining what a campaign is and how to manage ad groups which are a key instrument in the advertising process. Moreover, the AdWords Fundamentals Test Material also includes keyword targeting which is the primary gist of the AdWords framework.
The AdWords Fundamentals Study Material associated with the exam also takes into account the targeting options such as location and language to enhance the advertising approach. The Ad formats which are used on Google advertising, the key area of bidding and budgeting for a campaign, along with measuring outcome and optimizing the results are also key areas which are discussed in the study material. Lastly, there is also a PDF document associated with Google Adword Advertising Fundamentals which is available on This Link.
How to Prepare?
The exam might look easy at first but the exam questions are quite tricky in nature, and thus it is recommended that you should prepare thoroughly from various sources. In addition to the AdWords Fundamentals PDF link mentioned above, you can also take a self-study route as well. In this regard, you can at first create an account on AdWords and look around to get familiar with the exam since signing up is free of cost and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the outlook of the platform.
Furthermore, you can also utilize AdWords Fundamentals Sample Questions which are easily available from online resources. The advantage of using these sample questions for preparation is that they are an ideal choice of finding out the nature of the AdWords Fundamentals Test Questions that you might have to face in the actual exam.
To conclude, it can be suggested that this certification is a key milestone in the Google Advertising framework and will develop the groundwork that you require to excel in the realm of digital marketing.